Purpose: Exalted to Grant Repentance and Forgiveness

Purpose: Exalted to Grant Repentance and Forgiveness

Living with guilt consciousness also hinders productivity and deflates joy. It robs the mind of the mental state needed to integrate socially. Sin and guilt can defeat the purpose of one’s life. That is the reason God gave Jesus the power to set humans free from the bondage of guilt and sin by offering repentance, on one hand, and forgiveness on the other.

Purpose: Sent to Bless

Purpose: Sent to Bless

In whatever way you look at it, Jesus has been a blessing. During His lifetime, innumerable people had solutions, healing, breakthrough, deliverance, turnaround, restoration, recovery of sight as well as many other positive interventions in their lives by virtue of their encounter with Him.

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Purpose: Called to Reveal the Truth

Purpose: Called to Reveal the Truth

The truth is the ideal, a lie is never an ideal. And Jesus came to illuminate, broadcast and enforce the truth so that the influence of lies can be reduced. There were many shrouded issues of life that Jesus shed light on in the scriptures. He helped us to put a name to many phenomena as well as appropriately define certain things.

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Purpose: Anointed to Transform Identity

Purpose: Anointed to Transform Identity

One of the reasons Jesus came to earth was to offer us a new lease of life, which includes a change of identity. During His earthly ministry, He changed the identity and status of many people from negative to positive; He also changed the course of many lives from aimlessness to purposeful living.

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