Purpose: Sent to Justify
Here is another purpose of Jesus; He came to justify us. In other words, Christ came to offer us justification from the shackles of requirements mandated by the laws to attain righteousness and be in the good book of God.
Here is another purpose of Jesus; He came to justify us. In other words, Christ came to offer us justification from the shackles of requirements mandated by the laws to attain righteousness and be in the good book of God.
Are there developments you consider evil in this age? The Bible says Jesus has come to deliver you from them. Therefore, there can be no chance of their overrunning you.
The second purpose of Jesus, as highlighted in this passage, is to upgrade the status of believers, whom He redeemed from the pressures of the law, from slaves to sons.
God sent Jesus to earth, among other reasons, to redeem the people who were under the law so that they might receive the adoption as sons. There is a twin mission captured in this passage. In one breath, the scripture tells us that Jesus came to offer redemption to all those under the oppressive weights of the regulations of the laws of Moses.
and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. – 1 Thessalonians 1:10 This passage highlights another purpose of Jesus Christ – He came to deliver us from the wrath to come, the wrath of the sure judgement of God.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. The Bible says He became poor so that we might become rich. In other words, He came to swap our poverty and miseries with His own glory and riches.