To you first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to bless you…”
– Acts 3:26

This passage introduces another purpose of Jesus Christ to humankind, He was sent to bless us.

In whatever way you look at it, Jesus has been a blessing. During His lifetime, innumerable people received solutions, healing, breakthrough, deliverance, turnaround, restoration, recovery of sight as well as many other supernatural interventions in their lives by virtue of their encounter with Him.

Even long after He had departed physically from the earth and ascended to heaven, His name continues to bless billions of lives across the ages and His power still ministers to people in various ways. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap; to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory’ (1 Samuel 2:8). Take it or leave it, from the beginning of times till date, no one like Him has ever lived. No one loves humanity more than Him; no one has blessed more people than Him; and no one has intervened in critical situations more than Him.

The mandate to bless is a universal calling. But, of course, there are people around, as there have always been, who take this calling more seriously than others. They have a compulsive desire to bless people and make a difference in their situations. To such people, their day would not be complete without having extended a hand of kindness to someone else. The interesting thing about this is that it is the key to greatness. Being enamored with it offers you more platforms and resources to do more. You don’t get reduced by being a blessing to others, you can only increase.

ALSO READ  Purpose: Sent to Deliver the Kingdom

The call to bless is not restricted to the rich alone, and no one is so impoverished that he cannot be a blessing. There is always something you can do; a word of prayer, committed intercession, little gifts, sincere compliments, community service, words of encouragement, the list is endless. It is in the doing that increase is assured.

You will succeed in Jesus’s Name!

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