Nehemiah’s Leadership Playbook: Data Collection
Data collection is the fallout from Nehemiah’s decision to conduct a census of the people in the land. It is also the leadership lesson we will meditate on today.
Data collection is the fallout from Nehemiah’s decision to conduct a census of the people in the land. It is also the leadership lesson we will meditate on today.
In continuation of our meditation on the leadership lessons to be learned from Nehemiah, another attribute of his that stands out in our reference passage above is spiritual sensitiveness.
Another lesson we can learn from the leadership example of Nehemiah was security consciousness and the need to have a watertight security system in place to ensure the safety of lives and property.
In continuation of our series on the leadership principles we can learn from Nehemiah’s playbook, the passage above also presents us two unique lessons from his leadership qualities: administration and delegation.
However, there was no indication that the activities of these traitors affected Nehemiah much or derailed his project. That means he must have resorted to his trademark discretion in dealing with them…